He texted her too late and she had to remind him that she has to get up early every day. Then he probably continued texting her late, which is why she never answered his texts.
She has other priorities (guys), but she might come around later. Put the ball in her court by telling her to text you when she has more time, then soft next her.
No comfort, no rapport, he moved too quick to the close without getting to the hook point. Also he should have tried to get her on a voice or video call, not asked her out over text.
He boyfriended himself with all the romantic cheese he was laying on too thick. That comes off as desperate, when they haven't even gotten to know each other.
She's most likely not feeling you that way. Put the ball in her court by telling her to hit you up when her schedule opens up and leave it at that, but don't expect her to reinitiate. Soft next.
She does because she got the last word and is putting him on ice with the going to have to work harder and wait, and thus never surrendered to his frame.
Any type of test used to determine how attracted you are to her or how much you want her. This can be posting a sexy pic on social media, or failing to reply to your text just to see how you will respond.
She’s feeling insecure about her looks, her period, her job, her familial relationships or any number of issues that women find emotionally overwhelming.
She gave you her number as a polite way to blow you off at the moment or as an easy way to get her ego stroked, only to later make herself unavailable.
You didn’t establish enough comfort/rapport or attraction when you met and thus she doesn’t feel safe enough to go out or the chemistry just isn’t there.
To generate enough comfort and rapport over text so she sees you're a safe guy who isn't going to tie her up in your basement if she gets into your car.
To fill her head with positive qualities about you. In turn, she'll say good things about you to her girlfriends, coworkers, etc, so they all encourage her to date you.
You withdraw your attention for a few days while persuing other leads. When you come into contact again you're all smiles and positivity as if you never noticed.